The home service as a patriotic NGO

Austria's largest non-party patriotic citizens' initiative

The scientific KHD symposium of the year 2023

Old conflicts – new collaborations

As in the previous year, the Carinthian Homeland Service organized a scientific symposium again this year, in order to, on the one hand, deal with historical problems in our country and, on the other hand, to develop new subject areas of homeland security.

They met under the motto “old conflicts – new cooperations”. 16. September again in the Europa-Haus in Klagenfurt, which was kindly provided free of charge by the city of Klagenfurt. After the welcome from Klagenfurt Mayor Christian Scheider and the greetings from the President of the State Parliament, Reinhard Rohr, KHD chairman Andreas Mölzer opened the conference, who discussed the topic in two rounds of discussions. Mölzer appealed to the associations of Carinthian Slovenes in front of the media and the participants in the symposium, specifically to Valentin Inzko and Manuel Jug, the dialogue also with the homeland- and traditional associations.

The first panel was held by historian Doctor Peter Wassertheurer and his Slovenian colleague Professor Janez Stergar. Wassertheurer is the chairman of the Arthur Lemisch Institute, which is close to the Carinthian Defense Fighters Association. And Stergar is the chairman of the Carinthian Slovenes Club in Lublijana and a member of the General Majster Association.

The ORF also reported on the event (image: Screenshot “”)

This has succeeded in the Carinthian homeland service, to get the traditional opponents of the Carinthian defensive battle at one table for the first time. What separated them back then, namely their national attitudes and the fight for their respective homeland, as they each understood, unites them today, emphasized KHD chairman Mölzer. That they are patriots, some are Carinthian patriots, others are Slovenian patriots.

At Doctor Marjan Sturm’s, the long-time chairman of the Central Association of Carinthian Slovenes, moderated discussions between the two historians became apparent, that there are still major differences in the two historical images. Nevertheless – says Sturm – that is just the fact, that people talk to each other and take note of the other side's views, an important step towards reconciliation.
On the second podium, which was then moderated by Andreas Mölzer, debated alongside the head of the Europahaus, the former governor Christoph Zernatto, the Carinthian FPÖ leader Erwin Angerer, the top manager Filip Ogris-Matic, a Carinthian Slovene and master Wolfgang Pucher, the representative of the Carinthian Industrial Association. It was about the business location of Carinthia in the Alpine Adriatic region, the four discussants agreed, that the country has great opportunities. However, it does apply, to combat the exodus of young, highly qualified people and to propagate a broad awareness of the quality of life and economic power of Carinthia as a business location.



The media reporting on ORF (Symposium: Overcoming conflicts as an opportunity – but could also be in the country's major daily newspapers (See excerpt above, Carinthian homeland service – Discuss calmly first, then celebrate properly | It was extremely pleasing about this symposium of the Carinthian Homeland Service. At this point I would also like to thank the media representatives for this.

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