Click here for the current issue of the “Carinthian”
- KHD chairman Andreas Mölzer: KHD for maintaining traditions and future debates side 4–5
- Symposium des KHD: The leaders come together when they talk side 8–9
- Bruno Burchhart: Common commemoration side 9–11
- Speech by Andreas Mölzer: “Home is the depths, not tightness” side 12–13
- Speech by Bernd Steinacher: “Let’s use the past as a springboard!“ side 15
- Patriotischer Info-Stand am 10. October 2024 side 16
- von Ursula Polessnig Network: “Don’t just look back, but also look forward!“ side 17
- Speech by Peter Wassertheurer: “We at the Carinthian Defense Fighters Association uphold this tradition.” side 18–19
- Speech by Fritz Schretter: “History demands responsibility” side 21
- Franz Jordan: Grateful memory of Dr. Hans Steinacher side 22
Ethnic groups and associations
- Karl-Heinz Moschitz: Berichte des Kanaltaler Kulturverein side 23–24
- KHD honorary chairman Dr. Josef Feldner celebrates his 85. Birthday side 25
- obituaries:
- KAB chairman Fritz Schretter side 26
- Rade Lukic side 26
- Presseschau side 27
The fifth issue of the Carinthian Homeland Service magazine This year is fully concerned with the events and happenings of the so-called “Carinthian Autumn”. This primarily consists of the commemorative events 10. October 1920, i.e. referendum and defensive struggle. But it has also been a tradition for the home service for several years now, To hold a scientific symposium at the end of September, which is dedicated to current topics and problems facing the country in the present and the future.
Therefore, in this issue you will find reports from the various voting ceremonies, as well as speeches, which were held on these occasions.
The reports, however, which were held at our scientific symposium, will soon be published in a separate book publication and will therefore be made available to you in full.