The home service as a patriotic NGO

Austria's largest non-party patriotic citizens' initiative

Remembering the Croatian victims of May 1945

An die 400 People came to the memorial mass in the Bleiburg parish church. Dean Msgr. Mag. Ivan Olip and high-ranking Croatian church representatives with national director Dr. Tomislav Markic and the head of the Franciscan order from Bosnia, Joso Grbes, celebrated the mass.

Among those attending the memorial were, Ambassador Daniel Gluncic and high-ranking representatives from Croatian organizations with Secretary General Zlatko Filipic from the Bleiburg Honor Procession.
Even before the mass, the victims were remembered at Loibacherfeld near Bleiburg.

Together with Consul Dr. Nicholas Hermann, the vice president. of the Croatian World Congress Franjo Rastigorac and the secretary of the HSK Rade Lukic, we also visited the place, where the bloody Way of the Cross began for thousands of Croatians.

Viele Kroaten wurden von den Tito Partisanen bereits auf Kärntner Boden getötet.

A delegation from the home associations with KHD chairman. Franz Jordan, KAB district chairman Valentin Leitgeb, Stv. Walter Duller, Ortsobmann (Bleiburg), Sigi Kröpl and the chairman of the Jauntal traditional costume group Willi Kleber took part in the Croatian memorial service, where we received a very friendly welcome from the Croatian side.

Im Anschluss an den Gedenkgottesdienst lud der Bleiburger Ehrenzug zu einem gemeinsamen Abendessen.

During the negotiations surrounding the memorial at Loibacherfeld, Justice, albeit belatedly! The properties were returned to the PBV by court decision.
Around the historical Croatian coat of arms from the memorial stone, which was removed by decision of the authorities, There was another negotiation with the university. Prof. Dr. Jareb from Zagreb was invited as a historian and expert in Croatian heraldry!

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