The home service as a patriotic NGO

Austria's largest non-party patriotic citizens' initiative

“Close to home and open to the world”

Der Kärntner Heimatdienst beschließt Resolution zur Stärkung des Spracherwerbs von Slowenisch und Italienisch

Klagenfurt/Wernberg. On Saturday, the 2. März 2024 The annual general meeting of the Carinthian Homeland Service took place in the Gasthof Fruhmann in Wernberg (KHD) instead of.

Im Mittelpunkt der Sitzung stand eine Resolution, die einstimmig beschlossen wurde und die neben der bereits zur Tradition gewordenen Versöhnungs- and communication work by the Homeland Service in relation to the Slovenian minority has set a new focus for the current year.

“The Carinthian Homeland Service wants to promote greater acceptance and widespread learning of the languages ​​of the Alps-Adriatic region surrounding us under the motto 'connected to the homeland - open to the world' and 'speaking and dialect-based' while consciously cultivating our native German language in Carinthia, So advocate for Slovenian and Italian.”, said KHD chairman Andreas Mölzer.

And Mölzer continues: “Italian is of course one of the major cultural languages ​​in Europe and Slovenian has a special meaning for us, as the language of the ethnic group living in the country and as the entry language for the large Slavic language family.”

“For this purpose, we will hold our large annual scientific conference in September on the topic of Carinthia’s neighboring languages ​​and will also massively debate this topic in all of our publications.”, explains the KHD chairman.

For the Carinthian Homeland Service it is an important decision in terms of content, in particular to advocate for widespread learning of the Slovenian language in Carinthia. “With the emphasis, however, Mölzer further states that this does not represent any statement about an ethnic-cultural or even national belief.


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