The home service as a patriotic NGO

Austria's largest non-party patriotic citizens' initiative Defensive struggle and referendum missing!

"ARGE of the Carinthian homeland- and traditional associations” to the “kä”

Defensive struggle and referendum missing! Great approval for the redesign, but request for supplement

Am 16. February of the year visited a delegation of the "working group of the Carinthian homeland- and traditional associations", at their head KHD chairman Andreas Mölzer and KAB chairman Fritz Schretter, and Karl-Heinz Moschitz as a representative of the ethnic German compatriots, the new "" inaugurated a few months ago.

In the course of the equally knowledgeable and committed tour by the museum expert Martin Stermitz, one could see this for oneself, that the new "kä" has actually become a contemporary cultural visiting card of the state of Carinthia using the most modern museum design options and extremely complex technology.

The visitors from the Carinthian homeland were impressed- and traditional associations from the architectural design of the renovated house and the light-flooded halls. The arrangement and the selection of the exhibits - precisely in contemporary isolation - met with approval, as well as the structure of the permanent exhibition in its chronological order, starting in prehistoric times, about Celts, Romans and Alpine Slavs, the middle age, up to the Baroque period.

However, the visitors from the group of “Working Group of Carinthian Home and Tradition Associations” found it a disappointing shortcoming, that the recent history and contemporary history of the country, So the development of Carinthia in 18., 19. and 20. century is largely absent. You can see a video installation about the state exhibition of the year in the museum's film room 2020, i.e. via defensive struggle and referendum. However, you do not need a state museum for this, because you could do it anywhere with a computer or laptop. Real exhibits, those on the identity-forming events of Carinthian history, so to the time of 1918 to 1920 Clues, miss. There are three exhibits, documenting the development of the Carinthian farmhouse chests, the ballot box of October 1920 but missing.

The “working group of the Carinthian homeland- and traditional associations” therefore calls on those responsible for Carinthian cultural policy, to ensure, that in the new "kä" in the course of the large chronological presentation of the development of our homeland from the history of the earth to the present day, those events are also documented, which significantly shape the identity of Carinthia. This would undoubtedly be the time of defensive struggles and referendums, together with the complex history and the effects.

The argument, that there are other museum institutions anyway, such as in Völkermarkt, representing these events, is therefore not meaningful, as the "kä" represents the central cultural and historical calling card of the country, in which the identity-forming events of defensive struggle referendum must not be missing.

The governor wrote the following letter in reply:

Dear Mr. Mölzer!

Many Thanks for submitting the Suggestions of the “working group of Carinthians homeland and traditional associations" concerning 143 Years after of the groundbreaking hat the Rudolfinum after one comprehensive general renovation one
contemporary reorientation receive and was born in the November 2022 with the new name reopened. The new enriched the Carinthianer cultural landscape and takes its role as an attractive musealer lead operation on again. I am me sure, that the kä the Transformation to the present and beyond successfully into the future of the countrylingt.

The kä in the middle of Klagenfurt, is not just the face of the country, but also a Ort of the encounter, Education, Conversation and confrontation. A Haus, in to the Story, present and future of the state of Carinthia come to life. A house, that so is diverse and attractive, like our state, the people living here, our customs, the flora and fauna or the Carinthian culture. The kä is exactly this memory,
which brings to life the many different interesting facts about Carinthia.
Dealing with history says a lot about one's own identity. So it's a good one sign forr Carinthia's identity and culture, that with the investment of 16,4 million euros for the general renovation of the kä, of that 4,25 million euros for the facility
and exhibition area, were expended and egga former vision of the future todaye im shines in new splendor.

As you can probably tell from the media, is currently running in the HearingProcess for appointing the new manager, both in commercial and in scientific Area. Of course become Ofe suggestions of the "Working group of the Carinthian homeland and traditional associations" of the new management brought to knowledge.

Best regards
Dr. Peter Kaiser


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