The home service as a patriotic NGO

Austria's largest non-party patriotic citizens' initiative

“Special case of Carinthia”

University professor Lothar Höbelt took a stroll through history at the invitation of the KHD - from Emperor Arnulf to Peter Kaiser

At the end of October, the Carinthian Homeland Service invited everyone to a convivial Kasnudel meal at the traditional Fruhmann inn in Wernberg. The topic of the evening was the “Special Case of Carinthia”, which the renowned Viennese historian university professor Dr. Lothar Höbelt in a familiar humorous manner, and in an equally well-founded manner. That Carinthia has always occupied a special position throughout its long history, Höbelt was able to demonstrate to the interested audience using numerous examples. Carinthia was Austria's first duchy in the Middle Ages, it lost some of its importance, but was always able to exploit its special position. The circumstance is exciting, that, for example, in the K&K-Monarchy, which, in contrast to other crown lands, did not concern Carinthians for a long time with any minority problems, This only played a role very late and, as is well known, only escalated after the First World War with defensive struggles and a referendum.

For Höbelt, Carinthia's unique geographical location is particularly important - with a view to the future. As is well known, Carinthia borders Italy in the south, on the other hand, to Slovenia and the Balkans. With this starting point and proximity to the Slavic and Romance worlds, said Höbelt, Carinthia has every chance in the European context.

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